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Thread: [OOC] Dreary Crystal Infinitum

  1. #1

    [OOC] Dreary Crystal Infinitum

    I think it's really cool this place has an RP forum. I used to do that a lot when I was younger! Anyway, since it's not that active anymore I thought of creating something that was simple and accessible, but also flexible and potentially deep. Suffice it to say, I got kind of carried away instead, I guess! I hope some people will be interested.

    I want to warn you that if you're sensitive to Christian imagery, you will probably not like this. Other than that, it's a little inspired by how Final Fantasy XV mismatches eras of technology, and also supposed to be slightly in the style of creepy, philosophical animes from the 90s like Serial Experiment Lain and Evangelion.

    If you want to join, please read all "canon" posts carefully. Consistency is the only thing that keeps our RP world real.


    It's 1995, New York City.

    One rainy September day a spaceship resembling a crystal, twice the height of the Empire State Building, lands in Central Park crushing 40 dogs and 316 people.

    Upon being surrounded by the military a single man appears in the its shadow. He is almost 8 feet tall with red eyes, white hair and is dressed in a glimmering, white jumpsuit. The strange man introduces himself as the archangel Michael.

    Later the same week representatives from each country are invited from the nearby UN building to be given an audience with God. As it turns out, God is a giant vat of bubbling water. Communicating telepathically in the ethereal, white inner environment of the ship, much larger inside than on the outside, she explains that she has tired of the modern world's denial of her existence. Instead God wishes to rule the world directly. God then proceeds to give every single person in the world a 5 minute trial of hell.

    After this display of power, the world's governments -- no matter their ideology -- see no other choice but to comply to God's demands. Among other commands, some of them secret, all citizens must carry pagers. Every morning they give each person tasks they have to complete for that day. Many of the tasks are nonsensical, such as standing in a specific street corner at a specific time of the day. Others are cruel though. One of the most common is parents being asked to kill their children like in the famous story of the Binding of Isaac, when Abraham was asked to kill his son Isaac. Contrary to the story though, God never stops the parents at the last moment.

    Even with the memory of hell fresh, some people begin to rebel against their commands. In return, a certain group of people given supernatural powers by God (such as levitation and telepathy) called Saints begin to hunt them down so their souls can go directly to hell. On the other hand, another group dubbed Sinners discover that the angels can in fact be killed. If you take a picture of them, they become vulnerable for the next 15-20 seconds. Since it takes an awful lot of bullets to take down an angel even in that state, most Sinners carry a Polaroid camera and a sword.

    The leader of the Sinners believes that the angels and God are in fact not what they claim to be. Instead they are aliens manipulating us with their superior technology and understanding of our cultural heritage (Christianity). Like any other invaders they must be fought. A science experiment called the Surabahm Quadrat Incession is said to disprove this theory which is why governments ignore them, although it's details are secret to the public.

    Our story begins on the morning of September 22nd, 1996.
    It's been more than one year since God and her angels came to Earth in their crystal.

    List of players

    Open the spoiler box to read player descriptions.

    Homura - Hayleigh Elizabeth Wilkins
    Name: Hayleigh Elizabeth Wilkins
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Sinner/Saint/Civilian: Civilian
    Occupation: Unemployed
    Personality: Elizabeth is by nature very down-to-earth, hard-working and courteous, but when it's time to be social and have fun - she is just as good at it and takes great delight in it as long as it does not get out of hand. Having grown up very rich and around people who always accepted her the way she was, she can be a bit spoiled though and act childishly or passively-aggressively when good spirits and hard work doesn't get you anywhere. When pushed even more she can have a bit of a temper and act cruelly and selfishly. Elizabeth also dislikes everything that is too strange, different or complicated and is quick to begin mocking it, especially if with her friends.
    Interests/Abilities: Elizabeth's great passion has always been fashion. Since she was small she has sewed a lot and her dream is to become a fashion designer. Socializing with all manners of people since she was small, due to her family's social status, she is also very good at reading and organizing people, or sometimes manipulating them.

    Appearance: Elizabeth is about 5'7" tall. She is skinny and blonde, with some darkness at the roots and dark eyebrows. Her eyes are huge, piercing blues and her nose is small like a button, her fingers long and thin while her feet are tiny.
    Clothing style: Though Elizabeth sometimes wanders around in her apartment by herself just wearing sweatpants and huge t-shirts, mostly she is known for slick, expensive, colorful dresses -- some of which she has designed and sewed herself. It's also rarely she does not have a very large bow in her hair.

    Life before the crystal came: Through (private) high school Elizabeth was the most popular girl in class while also having the best grades. After applying to all of the best fashions school in the world, she was accepted to nearly all of them. All she had to do was choose.
    Life after the crystal came: Being subjected to 5 minutes of hell severely traumatized Elizabeth who now suffers from intense PTSD, agoraphobia and a return of the anorexia she suffered from in her early teens. The psychological harm was worsened by her father, her only living parent, being paged only two weeks after to drive a truck into a small restaurant. He killed both himself and all the people in it. Locked up in the penthouse apartment she inherited with his fortune, she wanders the big rooms aimlessly as if looking for the answer to a question she hasn't thought of yet. Sometimes she watches fashion TV and cries holding her old dresses. Other times she opens the windows and hangs outside it, looking down on what might be an escape, until the tickling in her feet becomes too uncomfortable.

  2. #2
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! [OOC] Dreary Crystal Infinitum Magi of Worlds's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    NW Arkansas
    Sorry Homura I meant to post a CC earlier but have been busy. So here we go.

    Name: Andrew Weber

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Sinner/Saint/Civilian: Sinner part time

    Occupation: Former Sergeant in the US Army Marine Corps

    Personality: Andrew has been through a lot in the last year so he's turned into a terrible alcoholic to cope. He has anger issues to deal with also and is not one to back down from any fight, including bar fights. When he's sober his attitude and mentality do a complete 180 and his military training kicks in. Andrew tends to only look out for himself when drunk, which is quite often. Think Dean Winchester personified. He does have his softer side though and is very humorous around friends he knows he can trust. The Sinners know they can count on him in a fight since he is a devout Christian and is an expert in combat.

    Interests/Abilities: Drinking, flirting with girls and his gun for the most part. He was a devout Christian before last years events happened. He still believes in God and knows that the Earth's visitor isn't him. Andrew was trained as a sniper in the army and graduated at the top of his class. He is kind of geeky and knows a lot about comic books and the like. Andrew was wanting to become an army engineer so knows a lot of tech tricks also.

    Appearance: Andrew stands roughly at 5'10" tall. He is slender but muscular. Andrew has a military haircut and has a shaggy beard growing that is unkempt. His eyes are a piercing green and his hair is a pale blonde in color. Andrew tends to wear his army fatigues all the time and doesn't wash them often, which makes them smell pretty bad. He has scars from wounds all over his body. A run in with a Saint recently has accrued in a large cut over his left eye going down over the lid and resting above his cheekbone that has healed mostly. It still hurts slightly when he opens the eye and blinks.

    Life before and after the crystal: Andrew was a well respected sniper and Sergeant in the US Army Marine Corps before the crystal landed in New York. He was a professional who had gone out on many a mission with the Marines. He'd killed numerous war criminals and leaders from afar. Andrew is very religious and had gone to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Everything in his life changed afterwords though. Finding out what Hell was really like caused a slight mental breakdown in his thinking and to cope he drinks heavily. All of his remaining family is gone, either killed by Saints for speaking out or through various 'tasks' given to them by the false god. This has stirred a deep hatred of her in his heart and caused him to join the Sinners. When he isn't on a mission to kill and Angel or a Saint he can be found in any local bar drunk off his ass either starting or finishing a fight. Or flirting with all the ladies and servers.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  3. #3
    Awesome! I think I see what kind of character you have in mind. Hoping (fruitlessly?) some more people will join soon. At least another two?^^

    If someone has any questions about the setting or wants to add anything to it or anything else, please feel free to bring it up.

  4. #4
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! [OOC] Dreary Crystal Infinitum Magi of Worlds's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    NW Arkansas
    We might be able to talk Heartless into joining us also when he gets less busy.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

  5. #5
    The Mad God [OOC] Dreary Crystal Infinitum Heartless Angel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Sheoth
    Sounds interesting.

    Name: Samael
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Sinner/Saint/Civilian: Saint
    Occupation: Saint
    Personality: Put simply, Samael is a psychopath. His complete and total lack of moral compass or concern for his fellow human being made him an ideal choice to serve the twisted God. Beyond that, he is quiet and curious, and possesses neither a devotion to God, nor fear of Hell. He's taken his daredevil act to an extreme, pushing God to see just what he can get away with, trying to map its abilities by walking their boundaries. Samael is a master manipulator, and a well practiced liar, routinely manipulating and deceiving even his angelic handlers. Over time, what he has learned of God makes him agree with the doctrine of the Sinners, that this entity is not an omnipotent deity, just a deceiver with highly advanced technology. For the most part he keeps the darker aspects of his nature concealed behind a veil of superficial charm, and wit.
    Interests/Abilities: Like most saints, Samael has been blessed with supernatural skills, in his case dramatically increased speed and strength. He has no particular interests, and no skills of note, though he has well above average intelligence, and a fair understanding of basic science.

    Appearance: Samael stands at 6'1", weighing roughly 210 lbs. He has long blonde hair, with a short beard, and piercing pale blue-grey eyes.
    Clothing style: He tends to wear all black, earning him the nickname of "Black Saint", but the most easily recognizable piece of his outfit is a long tattered Hell's Angels jacket with the sleeves torn off he claimed from one of his first kills in God's name. He is also easily distinguished by the massive cross-shaped weapon he carries on his back.
    Life before the crystal came: Samael spent the 15 years prior to God's arrival in a coma after suffering a head injury. It wasn't until he was sent to Hell that he awakened.
    Life after the crystal came: Samael was not truly born until God's arrival. It was the experience of Hell that woke him from his coma. Though nobody would have known it at the time, the injury he had sustained had completely changed his personality. Where he once was a perfectly normal college freshman, he was now a stone-cold psychopath. Suffering from mild amnesia, he wandered outside during the hysteria of the first days of God's arrival. His muscles had atrophied, and he had trouble moving around, but he stole food, and killed a homeless man for his spot underneath a bridge that night. Within a few days, he was found by an archangel, and brought before God to be judged. God saw in him a vessel to be filled with her will, having no real personality or life of his own. It was she who named him Samael, and restored his body, granting him power beyond anything he had ever felt in exchange for his service as a Saint.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  6. #6
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! [OOC] Dreary Crystal Infinitum Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    NW Arkansas
    Well I think with three people we may as well start this. It's completely up to Homura of course.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!

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